When I started writing this blog, a multi-talented friend of mine suggested that I write about this thing called “man crushes.”
In our society, it seems that it’s totally normal for a straight girl to have a crush or some sort of admiration towards another girl. Usually the crush exudes a high sense of femininity. She may have defined curves, or long and straight strands of hair, or the sweetest or strongest personality, whatever makes a straight girl admire another female. But then, it just doesn’t seem that men can admire another guy. Or maybe we can.
In an interview I’ve read online, Shia LeBouf, which I’m sure that you know by now, expressed that he had a man crush on Justin Timberlake. I can’t remember exactly but I think he might have mentioned that Justin Timberlake was sexy and he admired the guy in a non-gay kind of way. Or maybe I’m mistaken. Whatever the case, maybe the world is starting to become ready for guys having crushes on another guy without suspecting curves in their sexuality; not that curving should be discriminated against. I, myself, have established my own curve on the issue.
I’m not going to explain the phenomenon but I’d rather just share how I could relate on the matter.
Yes, my eye could wander and admire men that are physically beautiful. I may get off on some of them but then it’s not just the outside that has given me the attraction. Those that I have been involved with, one way or another, weren’t the best but I did admire some aspect of their being. Such is the case of my latest admiration, a basketball player.
I was watching a semi-crucial game that could spark a loss of confidence in the crowd and the team or it could bring home the crown to where it has been for most of the decade. The latter happened of course, and one player stood out for me. He wasn’t exactly good looking although he can be attractive. He didn’t have much thickness in his body but I could imagine him to be really sexy lean. My friend told me that he can’t speak English well, but all his flaws did not matter.
The attraction was because of his talent in the game. He improved well since I last watched him, especially during charities. He was sinking consecutives when I told my friend that if he could do his sixth, I would have a crush on him. He shot, but missed. But nevertheless, I still admired him.
I am a sucker for talent. And mostly they would stay as crushes, man crushes or otherwise. Because that’s just that, eventually it fades.