Saturday, September 29, 2007


One of my guy friends asked me if I was being distant with him, he finally saw that I was.

This one was the guy that liked me and at that time when I was seeing it, I became distant again.

I'm not really sure why but he wanted to know, of course. And he was a bit dramatic through text about it. Inside of me, I shut out a bit because I knew he was getting more affectionate, and so was I. I didn't want for him to fall for me again.

But I don't want to lose him as a friend. We've been through a bit already and to restart things I need to speak to him words that I haven't thought of yet at the moment. Maybe I'll just say that it's better for us to be affectionate because I don't want to hurt him in the future. I don't really now.

It's a hard situation but I'll have to face it head on.

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